The Green Lovers went on a date.


Last Sunday, we had a moment at the park… 

1069799_10201143669087605_1726355673_nThis way, dude! 


Well, I need to emphasize that she had joined the 20th member club last saturday. So, instead of the usual dinner treats, I chose SUNDAY BRUNCH @the Canopy, Garden dining.

Its located at Bishan park, and hence the greeneries~

It is actually a three combination restaurant known as canopy, the green room and middle rock bar. I had been to middle rock bar twice to chill and drink so that is how I discovered the CANOPY.

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Such a breathe-taking place to dine in…

If you are afraid of the merciless heat, you can opt for an air conditioned dining table. Another star given to this place is the fact that it is a pet-friendly place! You can bring your dogs to enjoy with you too!
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Instagram instagram….



&Thanks to Ladyironchef’s reviews and recommendations, I came here especially to feast on the smoked salmon!


Just look at the big fat Fish roes!

Egg Oyako- Scrambled eggs topped with smoked salmon
Egg Oyako- Scrambled eggs topped with smoked salmon

Yirong had carbonara pasta. It is surprising that instead of the usual spaghettis, they enticed the food with the use of Spiralis.

Giving the pasta a different kind of feel. Maybe I shall try this in Pastamania next time. Hmmm..


Carbonara pasta, this time, it ain't no spag!
Carbonara pasta, this time, it ain’t no spag!

Lastly, another Ladyironchef’s great recommendation, THIS FLUFFY PANCAKE! YES, I MEAN IT! ITS BIG, ROUND AND FLUFFY!

Fluffy Buttermilk Pancake!! -Big Ass size at only $6!
Fluffy Buttermilk Pancake!! -Big Ass size at only $6!

We had loads of fun catching up, like always! heehee.



And obviously, we had to take photos to remember this date!



Yirong got a new canon camera from her mummy and we are totally making full use of it!


Self timer lets go!


If you are a nature and outdoor lover, this is definitely one of the places that you should give it a try! *THUMBS UP*

You can check out their official website to learn more about what good food they serve:

“Live, love and laugh, for food.”

‘God’s Gift to Musical Theatre…’ — THE TIMES, UK

Music of The Night…

“Close your eyes and let music set you free.” ― Charles Hart

July 2013 marks one of the most Spectacular month of my life. Having to be part of the audience for two great musicals and plays from Broadway, US. It is indeed an eye opener.

These are what I call passion-for-the-arts, the hidden talents only seen in theater at such. You can’t compare anything else with them. 

Before I elaborate more on ‘the Phantom of the Opera’, I shall reverse back to what’s happening in the day.

Beer Market Flea!

Featuring famous blog shoppes such as ohsofickle and markeddownmarket where they had a clothes buffet session of only $30 for a bag and you can squeeze any amount of clothes inside the bag.

Very competitive indeed, but considering the large crowds of shoppers, business was pretty good.



I had to clear all my old stocks away and so we were selling everything as low as $5 for one dress!

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Girls,  you just have to dig in the box and find that lucky dress of yours! 🙂

And yes, many girls did dig, which was pretty surprising! I’m glad they are happy shopping with us and we are also happy that they found their favourite pieces out of that massive haystack! LOL.

I stayed at that event till 5pm before getting my ass out of the chair to MarinaBaySands with Joyce!

I am so elated for this day to come! Having the privilege of getting a pair of complimentary tickets to watch this artsy musical, I am more than just fortunate and grateful. Thank God.


It was still pretty early before the show commence. So me and Joyce decided to go for a little tea session at TWG Boutique. Well, it was her virgin moment! 


Golden Tea Book– Histories of  TWG Tea.

TWG Tea Boutique always gives me a great feeling to be seated on their comfy sofa seats, along with a heart to heart talk, smelling the fragrance off from the tea in the little tea cups, sipping bits of it and biting the macarons, flavour to flavour. Ahh!! Such awesome Life. The only thing missing was the MADHATTER. 

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Matcha. Earl grey chocolate. Lemon bush Tea. Napolean Caramel. Vanilla Mint tea
Matcha. Earl grey chocolate. Lemon bush Tea. Napolean Caramel. Vanilla Mint tea

‘I am glad I was not born before tea.’ -Sydney Smith

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I am a tea person. Like, literally. A fetish for it and a sucker for it. 

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Joyce seems to be enjoying the tea as well! Finally, a date with  my secret partner ❤

Our seats were pretty steep and far away from the stage. As you can see from the image, we were at level 3. Well, I wouldn’t conclude that it is a bad seat. We  can still see the whole play clearly, but we were just too unfortunate to be seated behind to big, tall couple! Damn! They were annoying.

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“I am the little boy who went into the sea to rescue your scarf” – Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of  the Opera

The musical lasted for about 120 minutes with a 15 minute interval.

The effects and props they used are more than just AMAZING. Not to forget, the vocals are INCREDIBLE.

Exhilarating, I am. After the musical. 

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The casts.
The casts.

To mark this memorable day, we took a picture with the nice back drop.


In addition, a small donation of $10 for this memorable picture of ours! 🙂

For the Singapore Cancer Society.
For the Singapore Cancer Society.

I strongly recommend everyone to catch this musical while you can. But, read the love story and be touched by the phantom’s strong love for Christine!

Listen to the music of the phantom and Be dazzled by music and synchronized contemporary dance.

You can find out more enlightening info of this play from the official website :

Trust me, you will not regret the night. 🙂

We find FISHIES on Birthdays!

IMG_8146If you see me on Friday, you’ll see different material on Saturday night. –Kathy Griffin

Yet, the most happiest day of the week has arrived.

On this date, 19 July 2013, we celebrate a belated birthday for a friend of ours, Jessilyn Tan (star of the night;).

I had it all planned out way before this date.

Part 1: Dinner at &MADE by BRUNO MERNARD. FYI:

Well, I came across this restaurant about a month ago when my mum drove passed it. The ambiance and setting attracted me, so I just made a decision to bring my girls here to try out the food.

Located at the Pacific Plaza, this restaurant is particularly well known for their unique burgers.



The menu was in classic brown paper, which is one thing I loved about this place, its CONCEPT.

Pixellated, mosaic features and the retro tiles on the fore walls definitely gave the vibe of modern vintage atmosphere.

Me and Maxine reached earlier to set up the area around our table. We chose the corner seat so that the Tap-to-Sing Disney Princess balloon can be hidden well.

‘Surprise!’, we shouted, as the princes of the day arrived at her seat. Immediately, we tapped the damn huge ass balloon and you can simply hear Cinderella’s voice singing ‘Happy birthday to you..’, literally. LOL!

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See, I didn’t exaggerate, the balloon is huge ass right! 

And, it was on sale. Wonder where to get affordable helium balloons of any kind?

I got it from Party joy. FYI:

We ordered three burgers and a dessert to share.


N.Y Bacon. #1 Favourtie!

Beef patty and bacon drizzled with the cheese.. mmmm.


Go fishy by choosing Honey baked Salmon 


The norm beef burger.

The fries comes in three types: original, smoked, garlic and vinegar

What makes this place exclusive is non other than it’s unique sauce. Also, the burgers are huge in size. Calling all burgers-lovers to definitely give this place a try! Definitely beats, ‘The Handburger’



Lollipop waffle; one of their signature dessert. Only $9. 

Shaped like a leaf and accompanied with three flavours: caramel, dark chocolate and vanilla. Best combination ever! 


Jess trying out her birthday luck for the Sure Win lucky dip happening this month in &MADE.

She got herself a free Milk Shake.

Part 2: Time to pamper yourself by feeding the fishis with your nasty dead skins.

After dinner, we dropped by Sephora for Jess to redeem her free Birthday gift.


We reached 313 Somerset at about 10pm. With Tingying’s excuse to go to Forever 21, we went on a search for Kenko Fish spa instead.

Jess started to question, but she still had no idea what we were planning.

We found Kenko and we said,”Surprise number 2!” Her face was like >.< and said, “OMG! I am wearing jeans!” LOL!

Too bad Jess, you got to fold them up! 

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Small fishies swarming toward our feet to eat up those dead skins!IMG_8190 IMG_8206

Newly opened at 313 Somerset, this outlet provides an internet cafe.

We went for a 30 minute session which includes free wifi and a drink/ tea.

There are actually small and big fishes available. Depending on your level of tolerance, you choose which fishes to feed on you feet.

I personally prefer the big fishes as they really clean up your feet! I swear the effect was instant! My feet was damn smooth after the session! But, if you are super scared of tickle, you probably should stick to the small fishes.

Join Tingying’s team -ultimate nonstop laughter and screams LOL

Birthdays are annual celebrations that you don’t want to miss as it is the day that counts how long you had lived in this world. #Epicbirthdaycelebrations -Got better ideas? Share your plannings with me!

For all Themed Park Lovers– Osaka III


‘Disneyland is the at the tippy-Top, Universal studios will definitely be the next climber.’ –#internationalwolrdknownthemedparks

Continue from Osaka Chapter 2 ….


We were all set for this EGG-CITING and THRILLING day!

Fyi on Universal Studios Japan, the official website :

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This is like a dream come true. I conquered yet another famous themed park in the world.



The map of Universal Studios Osaka. –the one back home definitely can’t win the fight. 

IMG_5881Look! The queue was massive, and it was only about 9am in the morning.

But I like how they can queue up in such an orderly manner.

First step into the park and we were welcome by Elmo and friends! Lucky~ ^^



Even Woody woodpecker was all dressed up for the season.

Who wants some Popcorn?!
Who wants some Popcorn?!


Me and Maxine went to take our first ride. – Hollywood Dream.

Its a thrilling roller coaster that you can have a choice to choose your favourite music to play. –Trust me, end up, you only hear screams. And it is a super long ride as it goes up and down, all around the whole park! #thrilling


Such a Fancy Pharmacy!
Such a Fancy Pharmacy!


Pink Panther cafe!
Pink Panther cafe!


Well, Jess and Jo didn’t dare to take on the rides so they waited for us at the pink panther cafe.


We managed to catch some glimpse of the Parade, but other than that, we were actually heading off rides to rides.


So, the next ride in line was ‘The Amazing Adventures of SpiderMan’.

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As you can see, the design and features of the ride are similar to the one in USS. – The Transformers ride

I would say its exactly the same, except the fact that the 3D images is Spiderman instead.



We walked to the Sesame Street and spotted Elmo and Cookie Monster! Oh, Dream Factory is literally loaded with Sesame Street Items. Well, this is special initially, but now that USS has it as well, it’s just too over-rated. IMG_5980 IMG_0325

Subsequently, we took on more rides such as ‘Back to the Future’ and ‘Jaws- boat ride’.

We're on the boat ride!
We’re on the boat ride!

The last station was Snoopy’s world, more for the kids but Jo was already screaming on their mini roller coaster! LOL!

Friends of Snoopy.
Friends of Snoopy.

We were limited to 6 hours in the park only, considering the fact that we managed to take all the rides… we were pretty fast eh?


When you visit a foreign country, what’s the place you die die must go? SOUVENIR BOUTIQUES- Duhh! Typical tourists here.

And of course, some picture shopping.  A photo of the items are good enough to be considered as bought. 

1 Cookie Monster, 2 Elmos
1 Cookie Monster, 2 Elmos
Sick Toy Soldiers.
Sick Toy Soldiers.

I was pretty fortunate to bump into the toy soldiers and betty boop!

With Betty Boop!
With Betty Boop!

I prefer this Betty Boop than the one back home! This one is more real, to me.


Snoopy BAO!

It’s kinda sad that because it is winter, we cant take the Jurassic Park ride. The water will prolly freeze us. Oh well~


Yet another long haul bus ride to a shopping centre. WE reached our destination in the evening when the sky was almost turning dark.

There was a pets’ shop at the end of the shopping centre, and grooming the pets’ was actually open to public to view!


Look at the professional groomers, handling the dogs at ease!


The cutest moment came when all the dogs on sale were PUPPIES!!!!!

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So I managed to buy some souvenirs back home.

Best buy: The stitch dog house.


For the last night, we stayed at Washington hotel. Kimono was provided and they had a 24/7 Family mart.

Wearing Traditional Kimono to sleep~
Wearing Traditional Kimono to sleep~

A mini party was thrown in Jo and Jess’s room, where we end up drinking and talking cock through the night before our morning flight the next day.

#Day 7: We’re coming Home. 

It was a dreading morning flight back home. Had a tiff but peace after.

Transfer flight at Hong Kong makes me wanna just get out of the Arrival Hall and meet dad! So near yet so far. :/

Memories of this trip live forever. 

As we seek for more from the world, till then~ Sayonara! 

For the Nightlife lovers– Osaka II


‘Shopping is just an option, Exploring is more than just an option.’

#Day 4: Japan’s culture and belief. Mazda exhibition and Shinsaibashi-suji Shopping Street.

To continue from 2011: Osaka, Japan Chapter 1 …..

We were all set for an early morning to discover more of Osaka. We were heading for Serenity, the temple that was well known for wish-makers.



Entrance of the temple, where we gathered to enjoy the magnificent view of the architecture =. 



The ‘fortunate’ well, located just outside the temple was said to be blessed and that a handful sip of it can make your wishes come true.

Holy blessed water.
Holy blessed water.


Yes, of course I had to give it a try. Chilly water~  so? 


Taking a sip while my brain goes, ‘ May all my wishes come true!’IMG_5453 IMG_0942


These are zodiac-styled handicrafts and were believed to bless family and friends that would receive them as a gift.


A variety of meaningful ways to make wishes and pray for good luck.

Paper knots of wishes.
Paper knots of wishes.
Wood blocks of wishes from all over the world.
Wood blocks of wishes from all over the world.



I got a chicky for myself, and a full set for my family! Wishing for everlasting happiness and good health to the Leung family.

The visit to the temple did not take too long as we arrived at our next destination, Mazda exhibition.

Mazda exhibition.
Mazda exhibition.
Briefing before the exploration begins.
Briefing before the exploration begins.

Greeted with a warm welcome by the fellow Japan workers and they even hosted a short story telling to us on how Mazda was developed and later came alive!

Here we were at the exhibition, where we get an eye opener on the great development and creation of Mazda vehicles.




A huge variation and different types. From lorry to bus to even mini displayed ones~






This figure shows how ‘safe’ Mazda cars are, as a a damage to it is just SURFACE.

Now, I am introducing to you the two world’s (so far) most environmental-friendly, yet chic vehicle. 

These vehicles do not require petrol to roll, they work with hydrogen gas instead! Cool isn’t it? 

And the design of the cars are just too cute and pretty! I’ll purchase one if its avail in the market, but also if I’m loaded. Teehee~ ^^



Talk about technology- the prodigious creations and innovations of human beings. Be inspired. 

Morning fest passed by like a flash of lightning, and lunch was served in a midst of time.


Western buffet for lunch!


With only 1000yen, you get to eat til your heart’s content. Varying from all sort of food, meat, vegetables and dessert. Not much photos were taken as we were all too famished and were busy digging in.


Our next destination is Shinsaibashi-suji Shopping Street! 

At last, we were at the famous shopping district of Osaka! One thing I love about the Xmas season are the fascinating lightings. 

The long dreading hours of bus ride was immediately waived off as this particular night scene is certainly worth it.

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Dinner’s menu: OMU-RICE. *Yums* -The eggs are just so smooth and soft, like a tofu in disguise. 


After dinner (a quick one in fact as everyone can’t wait to hit the lights of  Shinsaibashi-suji shopping street) , we rushed off to grab as many photos as we can. Also, to see as much cutsie stuffs as possible. The time given to us was short, so we need to make use of every minute!

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Sexy Lingerie Boutique- selling all sorts of kinky sex toys – guess they are pretty open minded here 

This is one of the famous Crepe house in Osaka. So, if travelling to Osaks is in your wishlist, remember to visit this special one! (image below)

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My last stop was PET PARADISE!

IMG_2505Disney costumes for dogs!
This pet shop is indeed, PARADISE. Every little things are just too cute and irresistible. I literally feel like buying the whole shop for my dogs back home! Eventually, I got the ducky diapers and toys for Amen! 


As mentioned, time spared for shopping is short. Today, instead of taking the bus, we were told to experience the common train ride back to our hotel. Apparently, it is just located a few stations away from here. Well, it wasn’t the shinkansen we took, just a normal one.

Ticketing machine.

what a complicated ticket machine -.-

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Courtesy of Japanese- they follow rules strictly.

at the Subway.
at the Subway.



Oh, and one of their rules, phones are not allowed in trains.

Starbucks green tea latte!
Starbucks green tea latte!

Another tiring yet well spent day at Osaka. Stopped by the convenience store to grab this guy! (image above). Seriously, it taste exactly the same! Cheap too! Why can’t 7eleven sell this!

#Day 5.Chuou Oroshiuri Market Honjyou, Kobe Motachi and Chinatown 

Rise and Shine! Woke up exceptionally early because we were going to the fish market! Fresh sashimis! 

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Fresh Veggis and Fruits!!

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Maxine :” Mmmmm…” IMG_5677 IMG_5680

Photo-taking session! What else to do when  you are in a holiday! 

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It was just a mini exploration at the Fish Market, or rather man slaughtering fishes area…


Yet another favorite #potd! 


Ticking the to-go list, another museum was on the list. Here, we see ancient coins, lots of it.


Just at the entrance, a BIG ASS one!

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Seems like Maxine was having a hard time carrying this small bag of coins. INDEED. 


The walk through the museum didnt take long either.

The last learning journey was to the NHK BROADCASTING STATION.

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There was nothing interesting except the fact that we learned how real television works and how they made the settings for hosting shows. Just like another Mediacorp.

Here comes the long awaited, shopping time at Chinatown and Kobe Motomachi shopping street!

This time, dinner was settled by ourselves. But with such a short shopping time, we only bought some snacks to much on.

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We’re at lovely Chinatown! Well, every country has one at least.

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So many Kawaii Shops and boutiques. If only I can steal back to Singapore! Their design and architecture are just way too Marvelous and Sophisticated. ❤

Its the season to be jolly~
Its the season to be jolly~

And Duhh~ Its December bitches, of course I need a picture with this good O’ Christmas Tree.

To be continued in Chapter 3…

Welcoming a new member of the 20th club.



‘When all else fails, bake a cake. ‘- #thejoyofbakingboard

10 July 2013, on this date, we welcome another member to the 20th club!

Baked oreo cheese cake for Jess. Surprise Success! 

As she took a last minute day off from work,  I took half day off from work to deliver my so-full-of-love cheese cake to her house! 😀


Let's make a wish.
Let’s make a wish.
Blowing of the candles.
Blowing of the candles.

And may all her hopes and dreams come true because she got Cinderella on her cake – which was headless after awhile. LOL! 

Now Jess can join me to welcome more new members into the club!


The Weird and Wonderful– ADDAMS FAMILY

Appreciate arts and theater-- Classic Comedy Musical
Appreciate arts and theater– Classic Comedy Musical

Who doesn’t know the famous classic cartoon, The Addams Family *Snap Snap*- Creations by the American cartoonist, Charles Addams.

It was a great pleasure to be able to catch this broadway musical. I literally grew up with Addams Family. It was my childhood.

I had been waiting for this day to come when I booked the promo priced tickets! *Screammmsss*  

Well, let me turn back time first. Before heading to Festive Grand theater, I went to meet Jason to have Dinch – lunch and dinner



I just had to settle my craving for Saboten -located at Changi Airport Terminal 1 ! I never get enough of its cabbage! Yums! (Y)

Saboten for lunch!
Saboten for dinch!

Like all typical girls, SELCA~ Don’t mind. Heehee.

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We ate until 6pm. Then we took the bus back to Jason’s place to get the car before driving to Resorts World Sentosa.

We were almost late. Fortunately, we managed to get there just on time. My seat was just perfect! Cat 3, its good enough to see the whole view of the stage.



We’re all ready for the show / musical!

The musical lasted for 120 mins. Every minute of it was definitely worth it. It is so lively and the casts are  filled with enthusiasm as they performed sing and dance. Not to forget, their synchronization are almost too perfect!

The most epic scene is the zombie- when he tried to ‘run’. HAHAHAHA! You’ve got to catch the show to know what I mean!

Lucas and Fat kid signing!
Lucas and Fat kid signing!

After the musical, I purchased the programme book and got the chance to be up close and personal with the casts! Damn, Lucas is so damn HOT and he is signing my book!!! *SCreamms*

Meet Wednesday on a Wednesday!
Meet Wednesday on a Wednesday!

With such a beautiful voice and  funny personality, meet GORGEOUS WEDNESDAY!

I enjoyed the musical, every bits of it. I would not mind to watch again. Guys! Get the tickets before its too late! Yes, I am advertising for them! Because, trusts me, it is definitely one of the best musicals that you would not want to miss!

You can learn more and watch the trailer at the official website :


‘ Through words of mouth, let the know world about us. ‘ – Gomez Addams


For the Nightlife lovers– Osaka, Japan I

Cherry tree on top.
Cherry tree on top.

In the December period, expect the best chilly weather in Japan!

This trip was 2 years ago, organised by school, under a CDS course.

We were lucky to grab this impromptu, yet last minute opportunity by Olivia to see beautiful OSAKA!

Airline: Cathay Pacific. Transfer flight at Hong Kong.

Accommodation: Stayed at a variety of hotel. Travel packaged by school. One of it was:

Duration: 7 days 6 Nights


We took the night plane to Osaka, Japan. Up in the sky for about 10hours, obviously a night flight was much more time conserving and feasible. Besides, we can get to sleep on the plane, which was one of my favourite to be on air!

I remembered how bad ass one teacher was, as he wanted to restrict us from going to DFS to purchase our cosmetics. Like hello, we ain’t 16 years old kiddo.

Me, max, jess and jo were the earliest group compared to the others, so we left for DFS. Who cares about that meanie?

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I was so elated! My first time onboard with my LGs! Plus, the fact that we were heading to Autumn season of beautiful Osaka, what else were better than that? We were all set for the flight!

As mentioned, it was a super late night flight there. Me and Max were pretty much fast alseep, which I believed everyone was….


Except for these two young ladies~ Cam-whoring all the way! >.<

Food on plane!
Food on plane!

Oh, Thanks to Cathay pacific’s ever pleasant service, Supper was served! Delicious! And I love the fact that Haagen Daaz always comes along as dessert! ^^

We had a transfer flight at Hong Kong, or rather, to take a break for our ass off those seats.


Good morning!
Good morning!

Finally, after that long hours of anticipation….

Greetings and a chilly welcome from lovely, Osaka!

As soon as we stepped out of the comfy airport, we could totally feel the strong COLD wind blowing at us! For God’s sake, it was about 4 degrees Celsius! 

Everyone literally just ran towards the coach to catch some warm.

BBrr… shivers down the spine…

We adapted and got used to the weather quite fast tho. Human Beings, we were MADE to adapt.

Despite that long haul flight, everyone managed to catch that few hours of nap and here we were at Ni-jo castle after 2 hours of bus ride.


We are at Ni-Jo castle!
We are at Ni-Jo castle!

As many of us know, Japan is a modern yet traditional and cultural country as they keep and maintains lots of old, classic and vintage sculptures and buildings Their tradition can live up to 100 years old and still counting…. That’s a pretty amazing fact to know yea?

Entrance of Ni-Jo castle.
Entrance of Ni-Jo castle.

The castle was magnificent! I am a nature lover, thus, stopping me from capturing all those nature images was practically, impossible.  

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Pretty maple leaves!
Pretty maple leaves!

Autumn! Maple leaves season. The flash light made the picture look fake, but it’s REAL people~ One of my favourite picture!

Cotton candies in the sky!
Cotton candies in the sky!

To be able to stand and breathe this fresh atmosphere, it’s a blessing indeed. #Blissfulthoughts

As we walk through the paths and enjoying the scenic views and ancient, antique sculptures, we chanced upon the odd-looking tree. Yes, ODD. It own grows out roots-like leaves! Funny right?

The roots-only tree.
The roots-only tree.

Amazingly, it still looks good even though it is ‘bald’. #naturelover

We strolled our way through and finally reached the GRAND GOLDEN PAVILION, KYOTO also known as  Kikakujin- a Zen Temple.


Grand golden pavilion!
Grand golden pavilion!

Interesting Fact: The top two levels of the pavilion is covered by gold leaves. You can read more about this enchanting temple at:


Jo- the red riding hood >.<

Oh! Did I forget that the crowd there was massive! Hundreds of cameras up high to capture the gold pavilion. Of course, we were one of the few people that adds on to the crowd. But, we attempted to selca instead. Girls, that’s how we roll~ 

Continuing our walk through the garden took us to the Temple side, where you see people pray and hold joss sticks– FUDO hall.

In the process of praying...
In the process of praying…

Clapped both hands together twice, Pray, toss a coin into the ‘BIG BOX’ and lastly, shook that big ass bell! Just like all anime on TV yea?


I got this amulet for my parents. May the Japanese God bless us~ ^^

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The Exit path. See how high we had climbed and walked!


This is the end of our first tour and off we head for Brunch!

Alighted the bus and just across the street, we saw this ‘Big Boy’ restaurant. Cute~


So, What’s for lunch? Local delights- Tempura!

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Nothing else taste better than the original. It’s fried in this manner that the only sound you hear is “crisp*!

Brunch was super filling and it was time for us to move on to our next destination!


This picture speaks our location.

In this particular museum, we got to try the simulators of the natural disasters in Japan, such as typhoon and earthquakes.

The typhoon simulator was damn fun! The strong wind blowing at us was so huge that you can barely grab firmly on the grip bar provided. I swear, you can literally fly away with the real typhoon!

Earthquake simulator.
Earthquake simulator.

Then, we tried on the earthquake simulator as well. This simulator has a concept and making and letting the people feel the real earthquake in a room setting. This explains why there are dining tables and all. So, we entered this ‘room’ and was told to switch off necessary electrical appliances in it and hide under the table. I felt that I was in some sort of game.

Seriously, after the earthquake simulator, we felt so damn dizzy. The shaking was too powerful. To be frank, I was rather scared. It felt damn real.

The afternoon was well spent! Very soon, the sky turns dark, night fall. Time for dinner.


After such an exhausting first day in Osaka, nothing beats a nice warm place for dinner. Once again, local delights!

We had sushi on trays!! Everyone was limited to 1000 yen of plates. It sounds little, but trust me, we were all so full after.

Sushi tray!
Sushi tray!


Fresh salmon sushi!
Fresh salmon sushi!

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They have exquisite sushis that looks peculiar and adorable! Not found or seen in Singapore!

Looks as if Maxine ate all of these!
Looks as if Maxine ate all of these!

Yes, and these were how much 5 of us ate! *Burps*

What’s next? Hotel!

As mentioned, I don’t remember what hotel we stayed, except the last one.

But here are some pictures of the hotel.

small and compact toilet
small and compact toilet

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Well, the rooms are not big, but it’s acceptable. 😀


Ohayo! It’s a road trip that we were going to experience on this marvelous morning. We were heading to Hiroshima, which is located a distance away from Osaka.

It was about 3 hours of long bus ride before we had a stop over at a small street.


At this street, small bites were sold. It’s also a place where lots of coaches and vehicles stop by for toilet!


We happen to bump into this cute little guy, BULLDOG. It was dressed up in pink dress. Super FAT and CUTE! Oh, it even came right in front of us and rolled over to let us touch it. Aww..

We didn’t had the chance to grab breakfast so we bought some food.

Tako yaki!
Tako yaki!

Jo bought tako yaki! *yums!*
As for me, I got myself a Hot Hokkaido Goat’s milk. Heavenly.

Best Milk I've ever tasted!
Best Milk I’ve ever tasted!


In a cold weather like this, nothing beats a warm milk in your tummy! Besides, I’m not a breakfast kind of person. So, it was the most suitable morning crave!

The stop over lasted about 30 minutes and our road trip continues for another 2 hours.

This time, we had another stop over for lunch!

Ramen for lunch
Ramen for lunch

Today’s lunch mene: Local delight- RAMEN and fried rice.


This place is like a foodcourt. But it had stuffs sold like souvenirs and cakes too! We ate as fast we could so as to go outside and walk to capture glimpse of the place.

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It was the ‘HELLO KITTY FIESTA’, and also the GACHAPONS!

The toilet was located about 5 minutes away from the foodcourt. I love Japan toilet because they are always so clean and their toilet bowls have remote controls to clean your dirty assholes!


After lunch, it’s back to another hour of road trip before we reach Hiroshima. Apparently, we were heading to a place famous and full of paper cranes. Hence, we were each given colour papers to fold paper cranes!

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Yet another cultural place to to experience and appreciate.

6 hours of bus ride, the longest road trip I had done so far in my life.


War memorial building.

We finally got our bottoms off the bus. The tour guide was so nice to explain every details of the place to us. But trust me, no one bothers.

As for us, it’s camera time!

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Following the tour guide, we finally reached one of our destinations! The paper crane statue.


A story lies behind every art piece.

Colourful paper cranes!
Colourful paper cranes!

We contributed our paper cranes to these artefacts too! 

The tour didn’t stay long at the paper crane area. Our destination was the museum.

As the sun was about to set, we were rushed to head off quickly.


Epic JY's look!
Epic JY’s look!

Well, as much as we were rushed to our final destination, we still managed to take this group shoots of ourselves! 🙂


At last, we got here!

All the historical artefacts and stories about Japan’s war can be found here.


We were not exactly museum kind of persons, so we merely just look-see-look-see.

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But of course, some photos of this place must be taken!


Burns that people get from WAR
Burns that people get from WAR

Jess managed to capture horrendous artefact. It shows how badly burned people were during the period of WAR. Sad isnt it? So, I pray for world peace.

I remembered clearly at the end of this trail in the museum, I managed to get Wifi. I had a FACETIME call from bro! It was so funny how we interacted and feel so proud showing him where exactly I am, OSAKA! Whee~

The sun had set by the time we walked out of the museum.

Today’s Dinner menu: Local delight, OKONOMIYAKI- fried pancake noodles with cabbage, eggs and yakitori sauce

Teppanyaki-style. Everyone sat before the chef and look at how cool he was, whipping and tossing those cabbages

Chef whipping out the food!
Chef whipping out the food!

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Look at how much of it must he cook for all of us! 


We had a great time watching the chef! And did I forgot to mention, even though sun was set, dinner was only 6pm!

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Just had to snap a picture with the awesome chef! 

Moved to another hotel, and this time I get to bunk with Maxine. Also, this hotel was so much bigger and nicer than the previous one.

Hello! This is our crib.
Hello! This is our crib.

The night was still young. Our desire to see more of Osaka brought us out of the hotel to discover more.


Yes, indeed it was the right choice to make! Look what we found! CREPES!! HOT CREPES! *screams*

Look what we found!
Look what we found!


Best CREPE ever! Best DESSERT ever! Get fat, we dont care!


Despite it was freezing in the low temperature atmosphere, I just had to purchase their green tea ice cream. It still feels damn shiok!

Freeze also must eat this godly Greent tea icecream!
Freeze also must eat this godly Greent tea icecream!

Our adventure didnt just stop here.

We walked further till the area with bars and pubs/club.

As what the title says, Osaka was certainly a place for night life. If this was a free and easy trip, I will definitely take that step into the pub/club. 

It’s never enough to see more.

When the moon rises…


When the moon rises, instead of staying at home, we seek for an adventurous night…

My first ever trip in my life to the NIGHT SAFARI. Eggcited~ But towards the end of the trip, AM NOT.

Why is this even my virgin trip there? many may wonder… I mean, come on, who hasn’t been to the zoo or night safari when they are young? Well ,that would be, ME! Because my mother had always told me that in night safari, the only thing you can see are sleeping animals, or worst, barely even any animals as it was pitch dark.
I am so agreeing with her after I went there. The only thing that is considered ‘fun’ is the TRAM RIDE. Duhh? You don’t say.


Fortunately, we managed to get 50% discount after 9pm entry for the tickets as me and Joyce still have our ‘student’ card with us. If not, it will be a total What a scam!

The entrance was the ‘wallaby trail- the so-called baby kangeroo’. However, we didnt go to that trail first as the show was about to start. So, yea we got to watch some cute animals performing.
After the usual animal show, it’s time for the tram ride!
I would say that it was indeed a relaxing ride, plus the fact that it was rather windy that night. A stormy weather was rushing to us, I swear. Well, I was pretty impressed on how well-trained the herbivores were! They are not caged but yet they remain at their own spot. My favourite animal that day was the majestic REINDEER!

Sometimes I wish I was Santa Claus so that I can ride on that thing~ haha. >.<


Entrance of the wallaby walkthrough! 

OH well, the tram ride lasted about 30 minutes, it basically covers the whole of night safari. However, the night was still young. Despite the rainy weather, we went on to the ‘wallaby trail’. True enough, those so-called baby kangaroos were so up-close and personal to us! We can just touch it, literally. Reminds me of how I cuddled kangaroos at sydney!  

The souvenir stop over! This was definitely the last station of all tourists attractions. I love to take photos of those souvenirs sold. They are always cute but over pricey -.- So guess only photos are enough for them to be souvenirs.


Out cute little bag that has all the tiny animal plushies inside.

The bag wasn’t the only cute stuff! Until we came across the hats and claws! Just got to snap some photos!


hey! We are part of the Night safari team! 


Cass says, ‘Hello world, I am the fierce white tiger! Roar! ‘


Joyce says.’ Hello, I am the gentle long necked Giraffe! ‘

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Not to forget the cute, cuddly plushie bags! Michael was actually saying,’ Time to book in!’

Seriously, which NS man will do this?? Can‘t even fit an underwear inside. 

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Massive collections of polaroid films to end the adventurous night!


We will venture out for more exciting journeys ahead…. till then~ 

Seek for a path, that leads you to an end of wonders. -Cassandrafaith



Bangkok, Thailand. One of Asia’s bustling city.


Our first ever trip together!

So, this trip was 3 years ago. I will only use my best memories to write this post.

Airline: Thai Airways

Accommodation: Baiyoke Sky hotel

Duration: 4 days 3 nights

#Day 1  Bad weather

I do not know if we are counted as fortunate or unfortunate, because it was FLOODING!



As soon as we touched down, settled down in the hotel, all ready to go shopping, we saw this! The water level was high all the way to the ankle. Best thing was, I was wearing jeans and the water is literally, FILTHY.

So, because of this ‘watery ground’, we are limited to the place that we can shop at. Instead of street shopping, we went to the famous Pratunum. Well, that’s the popular place in Bangkok that offers really cheap clothes. When I say cheap, its not ‘slut’ cheap but ‘looking-great’ cheap. We walked for hours before heading back to our hotel.

And duhh, we need to enjoy every minute of our stay here right? Lets go SWIMMING at its peak! Its located right at the tippy-tip-top of the hotel.

Oh! This was when I first encountered a human-dolphin, Tommy Tan.  Man, he sure swims like a dolphin, or rather, shark?! (Y)
Do not judge a book by its cover. Really. You will be surprised how capable people are.


After all the exhaustion from the pool, we went out to find the famous ‘shark fins’ of Bangkok.

P1140360See how large the pots are!

That is hell lots of Shark fins! But well, I am not exactly a big fan of it. Hence, I merely tasted just a whee~bit of it.

#Day 2 Authentic cooling coconut

Early morning, we were all EGG-CITED to be wide awake for COCONUTS! Yes! I repeat, coconuts!
Damn its super cooling and SHIOK!


We are totally enjoying it! SLURPZ!

Off we go! To the popular known temple, which sad to say, I don’t know whats the name of this temple except that it has this huge elephant buddha. *pray*


Oh! Did I forget to mention, we had a filling breakfast! Baiyoke Sky hotel offers great dining deals. Just look at the food and how they are so prettily garnished!


Makes me love breakfast more. TeeHee~


All time favourite, PANCAKES!



Bacon with scrambled eggs!

Alright, so back to where I stopped. Temple. We headed to MBK, another popular shopping mall of Bangkok.


Well, the clothes there are not really that nice, compared to Pratunum. Unfortunately, I dropped 1000baht! This, I will never ever forgot! Its like almost $50 in SGD.  *heartpain*

Seriously, I always lose my money when I’m in overseas. Seems like I’m innate with this issue of mine. -.-

#Day 3. The not-so-pain, THAI MASSAGE

To kick start the day, we went to this fancy cafe to have breakfast.

Nhmay, cant eat though as she is vegetarian.


Anyways, we just went to tat cafe to try the TOM YAM SOUP. Like, hey, I’m already in bangkok, Thailand, of course it is a must try it! P1140466

Super spicy but love it!

The last night was just some last minute shopping we had to do at pratunum. Me and nhmay literally went crazy shopping! We just buy straight without any considerations. Impulsive much?


Enjoying the breeze in the TUTU car ride!

Our very last stop is THAI MASSAGE. We walked into some random shop that seemed decent to try it. Well, its not that pain, but more soothing. I love it when they STEP on me! Sadist it may sound? But, that the most relaxed part!


Just trying to act like some kungfu fighters.

P1140497The pants was so gigantic that it fits two people!

#Day 4. Bye Bangkok. See you soon!

All good things come to an end in a blink of an eye.

Indeed, its time to pack up and go home!

P1140505We are all set and ready to go!


We left pretty early to catch our fligh. But yea, we did manage to eat some local delights in the airport before departure.



&yea, like all good memories, the best photo always comes in last. ❤

I’m glad this trip worked out. Its the first time travelling with friends and family. Through this trips, there were definitely some disagreements that came along. However, this is how we bond together.

Cheers for kinship and friendship.