Faith’s Food Production: Paddle Pop French Meringue

Meringues- a Swiss and French Cuisine Sweet, often known as ‘Forgotten Cookies’.

Recently, I had attempted a new recipe of baking one of my favourite dessert, Meringue.
As I am planning my 21st birthday cum farewell party next year, I was hoping some of my bakes could be on my dessert bar.

So I thought. Hmm…. Meringues, it is! Easy and fun to bake!
Before my bakes are qualified to be served on the table for more than 50 people, I had to test myself if it is even edible right? Tee-hee.

Fun Fact: Do you know that Meringues are FAT-FREE food? 

The ingredients are as follows:

  • 3 large egg whites
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tar tar
  • 3/4 cups of castor sugar
  • Food colourings

Just 4 easy steps for making this delightful dessert!

  1. Simply, beat the egg whites in an electric mixer at high speed, until foamy.
  2. Then you can start adding the sugars gradually while beating.
  3. Beat until stiff peaks form.
  4. Bake in a 90 degrees oven for about at least 1 hr and 45 mins. — no kidding. It is easy to make but it’s baking time is a bitch. 

The colours and how it looks like is all up to you!

If you would like a more detailed explanation for each step, you can read :
I find this article really useful.

You can watch my video on my IG @cassandrafaith.

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It taste like mini cotton candies that is hard on the outside but soft on the inside. Crispy!
One thing to bear in mind: it melts and become soft very quickly within 30 minutes. — for this flaw, I will research and try again.

For the first time of meringue-baking, I give myself a pat on the back. 🙂