Peter’s of Kensington—‘Pinkish’ Retail Therapy.

Reason why we decided to give this small cafe a try.— The so-appetizing looking cakes/tarts~ ^^

The interior.
A quarter of Peter’s is occupied by this quaint, little cafe. Besides going ‘GAGA’ over Peter’s, you will be surprised how this cafe is a perfect place for a SATURDATE.

Even though it might seem like a big mess over the ledge (where the sale items were), but the idea of hanging those airplanes and hot air balloons… Splendid. Not only these hot air balloons give the place a dreamy feel, it also reminds me of ‘UP’ the movie…  
Using plates, utensils and cook wares as decorations, that is something unusually beautiful as well.

Just look at this Strawberry Tart, doesn’t it make yoour craving/devour mode onz?!

It is too  irresistable so we made a wise choice to have a taste of this marvelous creation. I mean it, MARVELOUS. Of course, a flat white to go along with it. Am a total coffee/tea junkie.

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After having said so much about the cafe itself, just a few preview of what this whole ‘Peter’s of Kensington’ is about. Why I am so ‘cray cray’ over it…

Because they sell literally EVERYTHING! From home supplies to books to toys to beauty products to gifts! Everything for any occasion. Especially if you are a person that loves to bake, you got to visit Peter’s.

For all travel buddies~

So cute and exquisite clocks! Which is your favourite?

Welcoming the Easter Bunny~


  • Strawberry Custard Tart: Two words, Marvelous Creation. I need to emphasize this alot of times because it is! I have no regrets giving it a go. The strawberry coated on top has a little jelly, combined with the soft custard cream and the crispy exterior tart… What can I say? Just buy it! Damn it! 🙂
  • Flat White: No sugar required. Milk and Coffee blended just right.

You pay only $3.50 for a flat white and $8.90 for that big slice of tart! Where can you find such an affordable cafe in Sydney? Rare, I tell you. Rare.

Needless to say, small but comfy. Clustered but homey. Hot air balloon and airplanes for sale.. A mess that brings the whole vibe of the cafe to be dreamy.

FYI: Peter’s is a huge store that sells everything and anything of high quality products that you need and want. Just like a big ass warehouse! Located at Kensington, you can easily spot them as it is the only baby -pink-painted buliding standing  right there.
If you are too lazy to spend about 2hours there, you can always purchase their goods online:

Peter’s of Kensington
57, Anzac Parade
Kensington NSW

Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 5:00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays – CLOSED